欧洲汉语教学协会 “汉语二语教学学科建设的区域性和国际性”第二届国际研讨会 第一号征文通知






本次论坛将于2019 年4 月12-13 日在爱尔兰首都都柏林大学孔子学院举行。论坛组委会将对所提交的论文进行匿名评审,遴选出论坛报告(每个报告20 分钟,含问答时间)。本次论坛还将安排全体参与、互动对话的圆桌讨论。同时,研讨会欢迎关心本次论坛议题的学者列席旁听。


  1. 欧洲及全球汉语二语教学学科建设研究
  2. 汉语二语能力标准和测试研究
  3. 欧洲汉语二语教师培养及职业发展研究
  4. 欧洲国别汉语二语教学历时与共时研究
  5. 欧洲汉语二语学习者习得及动机研究
  6. 现代教育科技与汉语二语教学研究
  7. 欧洲各教育阶段(小学、中学、大学及终生教育)的汉语二语教学研究
  8. 欧洲华人华文教育研究

会议日期和工作语言:2019 年4 月12–13 日;中、英文


  1. 用MS Word 文档,分两页:第一页写清摘要的议题和题目、2-3 个关键词、作者姓名、工作单位以及联系方式(含电子邮箱)。第二页为摘要正文(含题目),长度限中文300 字,英文400 词左右(A4 纸一页以内),中、英文均可,但请不要写作者姓名。
  2. 每人作为独立作者或第一作者只可提交一篇论文摘要,同时还可作为非第一作者合作提交另一篇摘要。
  3. 请以电子邮件的附件发至ouhanhui@ouhanhui.eu,网上注册等细节将在会议第二号通知里详告。本届研讨会不接受其他方式的投稿,敬请谅解。


  • 论文摘要提交截止日期:2018 年11 月15 日
  • 论文接受通知(电子邮件):2018 年12 月15 日前
  • 论文报告人确认参会并网上注册:2019 年1 月15 日前
  • 非论文报告人网上注册参会:2018 年12 月31 日前

参会费用研讨会注册费100 欧元,欧洲汉语教学会员25 欧元,注册费包括会议材料和2019 年4 月12 日、13 日会议午餐、茶歇,其他费用自理。




The 2nd International Symposium of  the European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT):

First Call for Papers

Pushing Forward the Discipline of Chinese as a Second Language – European Efforts in the World Context

This second international symposium is jointly organized by the European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT) together with its Irish branch association and the Confucius Institute at UCD, Ireland. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from around Europe and beyond to push forward the discipline of teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL) from both regional and international perspective as well as related efforts around the world. It will also be another opportunity for professionals around Europe and world to explore the development of Chinese teaching and the issues confronted, to facilitate and promote relevant research, and to provide an international platform for the further development of teaching Chinese as a second language as a discipline of its own right.

The symposium invites and welcomes academics, practitioners and scholars to exchange and share their research and views, so as to further develop both the teaching practice and research in the learning and teaching of Chinese in Europe.

The symposium will take place between 12 and 13 April 2019 and will be hosted by the UCD Confucius Institute, Dublin, Ireland. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by an expert panel, and each chosen paper will have a 20 minutes slot for presentation, including questions and answers, at the symposium. The organisers also welcome all interested colleagues to attend without presenting papers.

The main fields of the symposium include the following:

  1. The discipline of teaching Chinese as a second language in Europe and around the world
  2. Chinese language competence and standards, assessment and test
  3. Education and professional development of Chinese language teachers in Europe
  4. Chinese language learning and teaching in European countries: past and present
  5. Acquisition and Motivation of Chinese language learners in Europe
  6. Modern education technologies and Chinese language teaching
  7. Chinese language teaching in all educational sectors in Europe
  8. Teaching Chinese as a heritage language

Conference languages are Chinese and English.

Abstract submission:

  1. Please submit two versions of the abstract. One version should include your name, affiliation and email; the other should be anonymous. Both versions should indicate the main field, the title of the presentation and up to three keywords. The abstract can be either in Chinese or English and should contain a maximum of 300 characters in Chinese or 400 words in English.
  2. Each author can only submit one abstract as the first author, and submit one additional abstract as a second author, if applicable.
  3. Please submit your abstract as a MS word document to ouhanhui@ouhanhui.eu.

Information and instruction about online registration will soon follow in the Second Call for Papers. Other forms of submission are not accepted.

Important dates:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 15 November 2018
  • Abstract acceptance notification: before 15 December 2018
  • Confirmation and registration of accepted presenters: before 15 January 2019
  • Online registration for all other participants: by 31 January 2019 (details will be announced)
  • Symposium: 12–13 April 2019

Symposium registration fee:

The symposium registration fees is €100 (€25 for EACT members). The fee includes the symposium information pack, snack lunch, and tea and coffee. The participants will cover all other costs themselves.

Contact email: ouhanhui@ouhanhui.eu

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